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SM's podcast

SM's podcast: the final folly

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31 News 2: of mammoths' bones' circles, fluffy exoplanets, cats' music & more!

30 Sulla plastica & la placenta umana: ecco a voi la plasticenta! (Pt4 di 4) - L'inquinamento da plastica -

30 Of plastics & human placenta: meet the "plasticenta" (Pt3/4 - The way in)

29 Sulla produzione di cibo nelle aree urbane: l'orticoltura urbana! (Pt 1/2)

29 Of food production in urban areas: meet the urban horticulture! (Pt 1/2)

28 Sulla plastica & la placenta umana: ecco a voi la “plasticenta” (Pt2)

28 Of plastics & human placenta: meet the "plasticenta" (Pt2)

27 Sulla plastica & la placenta umana: ecco a voi la “plasticenta” (Pt1)

27 Of plastics & human placenta: meet the "plasticenta" (Pt1)

26 Su Babbo Natale, bambini che si comportano male, e virus: un racconto di Natale 

26 Of Santa Claus, children naughtiness, and virus: a Christmas tale 

25 Notizie: cambiamenti climatici & estinzione dei bombi, lupi & mirtilli, e super star che si affievoliscono!

25 News 1: climate change & bumblebees extinction, wolves & blueberries, and dimming super stars!

24 Of charity & experimental economics: a surprising science Xmas tale! (Pt2/2) 

22+1 Of charity & experimental economics: a surprising science Xmas tale! (Pt1/2)

22 Weird Patent Series (n1): "Bird diaper"

21 The yum-yum bugs 

20 Happy birthday Alfred Nobel aka Mr. Dynamite! 

19_The rogue planet 

18_Pollution on high 

17_Bacteria vs human cells (pt3/3) 

16_Happy B-day Aspirin! 

15_Bacteria vs human cells (pt2/3) 

14_Bacteria vs human cells (pt1/3) 

12+1_Roses chocolates & Valentine's Day 

12_The roads the researchers & the map (Pt4/4) 

11_The roads the researchers & the map (Pt3/4)

10_The roads the researchers & the map (Pt2/4) 

9_The roads the researchers & the map (Pt1/4) 

8_Valentine's Day & the birth timing 

7_Kepler, Santa Bernard and the Xmas tale (part2) 

6_Kepler, Santa Bernard and the Xmas tale (part1) 

5_Podcast 5: the (audio) promo 

5_Beijing's ring and the scientists 

4_The pig’s “scent” and the barking dogs 

3_Le dimensioni (del cervello) contano, se sei una pesciolina tropicale 

3_Size does matter (when it comes to brain and you are a female little fish) 

2_La Terra, la materia oscura e il viaggio galattico verso l’estinzione di massa 

2_The Earth, the Dark Matter and the galactic trip toward mass extinction

1_Anche le formiche nel loro piccolo hanno le toilette

1_The strange case of ants and toilets

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