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Sunday, February 25, 2018


Ohhh hallo hallooo dear English speaking-thinking-reading-hearing listener, welcome back to me, @sciencemug, the blog-podcast-twitter&instagram account-gofundme unsuccessful campaign holder-entity behind the unsuccessful e-shop that tells you science stories while scratching the by now almost unbearable itch on the back of the turtle just a millisecond before the turtle in question decide to use the whole southern hemisphere of your planet for the above just mentioned task. Aaaand that does all of this in Eng?ish, a language that is to proper English what the movie Morgan is to originality and the post-truth era is to a good news for you humans. Aaaand that is verbally communicating with you thanks to the voice kidnapped from a veeery dumb human via a voodoo-wireless trick.

Today, dear listener, youre going to be told a story about roads, more roads, even more roads, aaand a bit of wilderness.

Podcast on iTunes
Podcast on Podcast Machine 

Part 2 here
Part 3 here
Part 4 here 

So theres this paper, published on the peer-reviewed research journal Science about one year ago or so (mid December 2016), where a team of ten scientists from Germany, USA, Greece, Brazil, UK and Poland creates a map of the roadless areas existing in the world. According to their map, the scientists tell us that even if about 80% of Earth's lands are still roadless, this roadless chunk of Earth is though hyper-fragmented in roughly 600,000 pieces more than a half of which is smaller than one square kilometer (Ibisch et al, 2016 (P)) (and to have a reference, 1 square kilometer is 20 times smaller than the JFK airport of New York). Above all the paper tells us that

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Oh hi my dearest English reading-speaking-thinking-hearing visitor, I've got some news for ya, news that'll make your day/night (according to the hour you get in here) not at all different from what it is at the moment ('cause it's just something about this lousy blog): new posts/podcast's episodes are coming soon!
SM & the gang

If you're into gossip and wanna know something 'bout how things are going between Gnagnamantus Krosfazt and the giant squid, well, I can tell ya that the couple went through some rough times 'cause the squid apparently had a steamy on-line relationship  with a middle aged Australian octopus, and then some nudity leaked on the net from the octopus' phone, Gnagnamantus' friends told to it, big confrontation, a looot of tangerines shed (Gnagnamantus' tears are juicy tangerines, you know, multiverse's a big odd place) then an "incident" with sleep pills occurred to the squid, ER, defibrillation, recovery and final reconciliation.
Now they're seeing twice a week the left Lincoln's nostril on Mount Rushmore National Memorial, which apparently's the present hot stuff when it comes to therapists for couples.
Anyway, fingers crossed, but the worst should be behind 'em now.