Heeeello dear dearest buddy reader/listener!
I just want to tell you this: new posts/podcast episodes are coming!
(Wow, four "!" in a row, that's something! Oooh, five! Oooh, six! Ooooh... Ok, I stop it now)
Here's a picture of a seal (or at least I guess it is it, otherwise it's the oddest chicken I've ever seen…) that is just really excited about the news.
A thrilled seal [in
reality, it thought some fish were coming, it couldn't care less 'bout
the news (I spare you the pic where it finally realizes no fish is
coming, it's too heartbreaking)] |
"Soon" is an acronym standing for: "Suuureoh-ohneverthelessdon'tbetoooptimisticI'mstillalazydumbblogafterallbutI'mactuallyworkingonitthepost/podcastepisodeImeannotmylackofcommitmentorlackofbrain"
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