Bentrovato amico webnauta che sei giunto su 'sciencemug', dove la scienza è raccontata a iosa e le risa abbondano come i metri di pelle sul giro vita di un lottatore di sumo particolarmente pigro e ghiotto di cannoli alla crema e fonduta. Io sono 'Post il Primo da sciencemug'. Lo so, lo so, suona oltremodo pomposo, ma non ci posso fare niente, 'Post il Primo da sciencemug' non è solo il mio nome, è il mio fato, il mio destino, la mia missione. E' quello che sono... - A questo punto, amico webnauta, immagina una musica sinfonica struggente e immagina che un malizioso soffio di vento mi smuova tutte le vocali e, visto che ormai ci sei, immagina che allora io, con le vocali al vento appunto e anche con le popò di consonanti di cui modestamente sono dotato, sia davvero davvero seducente e accattivante e tu non sappia resistermi e così ti FEEDdi di me (ahah ho fatto la battuta ho fatto, FEED-Fidi-FEEDdi-, ahahaheeeeh... ma dove lo trovi un altro Post così, eh? Dove? No, sul serio amico webnauta, se lo sai dimmelo per favore che lo cerco subito perché a star qui da solo mi son già rotto un po' le balle).
Comunque, amico webnauta, io non sono un Post tronfio e pomposo, no, io servo umilmente il Blog mio Signore. E il Blog mio Signore dice che la triste mia solitudine finirà a breve, quando arriveranno tanti divertenti e intriganti fratelli Post di scienza a popolare 'sciencemug'.
Torna, amico webnauta, non te ne pentirai (o magari sì ma a quel punto sarà troppo tardi perché sarai già stato ipnotizzato dal messaggio subliminale presente in me e che si può rilevare solo leggendo al contrario il mio testo... buahahahahahahaha... 'sso diabbollicco...).
!anroooT... atuanbew ocima, anroooT !anroooT
In fede
My name's PiPs. PiPs is an acronym which makes sense only if you speak Italian. If you speak English (or think in it, or read it), well, PiPs is just another weird meaningless name. On the other hand, dear English speaking-thinking-reading web-visitor, I'm just a post of a lousy blog, so it's kinda normal my name's weird compared to yours, don't you think (unless, of course, YOUR name is Marjaksist the Third, in this case: HAHAHAAH, YOUR NAME IS MORE RIDICULOUS THAN SPIELBERG'S 'WAR OF THE WORLDS' REMAKE FINALE...)? Anyway, dear English speaking-thinking-reading curious web-visitor, to be precise I didn't pick my name, actually nobody did. It's just the name the first post of this cheap blog had to have. Now now, at the moment you are reading my Eng?ish version since you can't understand my italian alter ego, right? So I could go on and on forever and you still wouldn't have the slightest idea of what the acronym PiPs means. So I could persuade the italian trust of the Italian Teachers of the Universe (the almighty, iper-powerfull 'ITU'*) to hire me and pay me big money not to unveil the english equivalent of my italian name. This, in fact, would no doubt skyrocket the number of their clients, for I can barely imagine how many of you billions of non-italian web-users now desperately want to learn Italian to overcome the breathtaking frustration of not understanding my acronym-name's meaning...
PiPs (by sciencemug) |
PiPs in Eng?ish
My name's PiPs. PiPs is an acronym which makes sense only if you speak Italian. If you speak English (or think in it, or read it), well, PiPs is just another weird meaningless name. On the other hand, dear English speaking-thinking-reading web-visitor, I'm just a post of a lousy blog, so it's kinda normal my name's weird compared to yours, don't you think (unless, of course, YOUR name is Marjaksist the Third, in this case: HAHAHAAH, YOUR NAME IS MORE RIDICULOUS THAN SPIELBERG'S 'WAR OF THE WORLDS' REMAKE FINALE...)? Anyway, dear English speaking-thinking-reading curious web-visitor, to be precise I didn't pick my name, actually nobody did. It's just the name the first post of this cheap blog had to have. Now now, at the moment you are reading my Eng?ish version since you can't understand my italian alter ego, right? So I could go on and on forever and you still wouldn't have the slightest idea of what the acronym PiPs means. So I could persuade the italian trust of the Italian Teachers of the Universe (the almighty, iper-powerfull 'ITU'*) to hire me and pay me big money not to unveil the english equivalent of my italian name. This, in fact, would no doubt skyrocket the number of their clients, for I can barely imagine how many of you billions of non-italian web-users now desperately want to learn Italian to overcome the breathtaking frustration of not understanding my acronym-name's meaning...
dear non-italian speaking web-visitors, since I want to get rich live
the life and enjoy the company of many sexy posts from many
sexy URLs, well, I'm not saying you anything 'bout my name untill the ITU
makes its move and I cut a great deal.
Till next time, then!
you are now googling (or yahooing, or binging of wathevering) 'ITU',
well, you're officially sick. And my number two hero (number one is a dude in
Martinica who can make real horses out of already chewed bubblegums)... Haha! Marjaksist III, so ridiculous... Hahaha!
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